We are a group of parents seeking to put to use our creative energies, our giving spirits, and our loving hearts. We are families who want to do more.

While our children play, we show them how to make their world a better place.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

November - Operation Christmas Child

We held our first Playgroup yesterday. It was a lot of fun even though attendance was a little scarce. There were lots of previous obligations and then some illnesses, so it ended up just being me and Ali, and our kids of course. Luckily, Ali has 3 kids, so the house wasn't too quiet. Although, now that I think about the mess we had on the table, we probably would've had to work off the floor if more people had come.

Our next meeting will be in January (just too much going on in December). Ali had a great idea for a project and I'm working out some of the receipient details. As soon as I know that, I'll fill you in on details. Also, if anyone has a particular date in January that they can NOT do or one that they would especially like, email me or make a comment.

Our project: Operation Christmas Child

Ali, with her oldest, Aaron. Not even close to the mess that we had going.
The coloring crew. The kids were awesome (even though Mari ate a whole crayon).
Carson, Ali's youngest
Olivia...she was a little disappointed that there was no one her age to play with (take note all you moms with pre-Ks...Olivia wants someone to play with). She was fine though, alterating between coloring with Mari and helping with the shoeboxes.
The final stack (missing some from the ill ones).
So stay tuned for details of the next project. And be thinking about future ones. We want to do this monthly and my goal is to have more projects than we have time for. And invite your friends...the more the merrier and the more we can make a difference.

1 comment:

Steve and Ali said...

Jill--how could you post that picture of me??? People are going to wonder exactly what we're drinking at playgroup. . .: )
Can't wait till January!