We are a group of parents seeking to put to use our creative energies, our giving spirits, and our loving hearts. We are families who want to do more.

While our children play, we show them how to make their world a better place.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Ni Hao!!

We had a wonderful time at our PlayGroup this month. We collected items for Cathy and Sarah to take on their upcoming mission trip to New Day Foster Home in China. Cathy and Sarah taught us a lot of fun stuff about China and we were all very excited to help them prepare for their trip. Don't forget to follow their blog as their trip comes closer and we can "watch" them in China.

We started the PlayGroup with some academics. Cathy showed us where China was on a globe and we used our fingers to see how far away it is from the US. We also used our fingers to point out all the different places we come from (US, China, Ethiopia, Russia). We looked at pictures of the Great Wall - forever to be known as the "Great Big Wall of China."
Sarah has been taking Chinese lessons for her upcoming trip and she taught us how to say a few words. Then she and her brother Michael taught us a greeting song which we sang and danced together.
Michael showed us how to use chopsticks (even the adults paid attention for this!) and we had fun trying to pick up our marshmallows with the chopsticks.
Daniel is concentrating so hard to get that marshmallow.
Lydia was also practicing hard.
Mari developed a different approach.
Then we played a game with Chinese spoons and balls.
Lydia was very careful about carrying her ball on her spoon.
Then we decorated Chinese lanterns to take home with us.

At last it was snack time - Chinese donuts, chow mein haystacks, and fruit. YUM!
I know that Cathy and Sarah are so excited about their trip. I'm so glad they let us share in some of their joy.
Items we collected for the New Day Foster Home.
We had SO much fun!!!

1 comment:

Troy and Rachel said...

We did have lots of fun - lots of playtime, learning time and adult time too! What a great mix!